Communication Studies

Associate of Arts (DTA)


TCC's program provides an introduction to the concepts, theories, terminology, and current topics in the versatile and popular field of Communications.

The Communication Studies (CMST) emphasis of the Associate of Arts (DTA) degree prepares students for the challenges of a world that is shaped by communication that is rich with intercultural exchange. Students specializing in Communication Studies examine and produce work in oral, written, media, and visual communication and practice critical skills in groups and one-on-one settings. This includes examination of power structures and systemic issues and barriers within various environments.

Communication Studies students develop skills in listening, conflict resolution, and critical communication that inform purposeful and reflective responses during interaction with a diverse and complex society. Additionally, they observe and respond to both verbal and non-verbal cues of others.

Students will employ strategies that draw valid conclusions based on logical, available information, crafting ethical and equitable responses that are indicative to an ever-changing civilization.


Associate of Arts - Specialization in Communication

Your guided path toward earning your degree


Contact Us!

Professor Steve Johns
Co-chair, Written and Oral Communication Dept.
Location: Bldg. F1-69


Professor Mary Fox
Co-chair, Written and Oral Communication Dept.
Location: Bldg. F2-24